
What to sell on lemonade stand for kids
What to sell on lemonade stand for kids

what to sell on lemonade stand for kids

Shortly after, a police officer shows up on a bicycle and tells them that, because they didn't have the proper permit, they would have to leave. The video shows the trio selling cups of lemonade to Capitol Hill visitors for 10 cents each. 20 event were Meg McLain, Kathryn Dill and Will Duffield.Ī sign that they had posted by the stand read “Lemonade Liberation” and “Support Freedom.”

what to sell on lemonade stand for kids

Selling lemonade is not a crime.”Īccording to the website, the three protesters who were arrested during the Aug.

what to sell on lemonade stand for kids

“When kids sell things, such as lemonade, they are learning some very important lessons. “Recently, we have seen many news reports of lemonade stands being shut down by police and other government workers,” reads a post on the event's website. The three were apparently participating in “Lemonade Freedom Day,” a national event being spurned on by a website and accompanying Facebook page created in protest of government officials that won't let children sell lemonade for lack of the proper permits and licenses. Three people were arrested by police in Washington, D.C., for setting up a lemonade stand on the west lawn of the U.S. Facebook Twitter Email Print Img No-img Menu Whatsapp Google Reddit Digg Stumbleupon Linkedin Comment 0

What to sell on lemonade stand for kids